We are now scheduling official registration appointments for the 2024-2025 school year! We welcome all rising Kindergarten families to schedule an appointment to register their child(ren) during the week of April 15th-19th with this "sign-up."
Moseley ES Kindergarten Registration Appointments for the 2024-2025 School Year
Please help us spread the word! Thank you for sharing this information with your neighbors!
Pre-Registration Open for Rising Kindergarten Students
(If you registered for Kindergarten last year, but your child did not attend, if your child was previously evaluated for speech or special education services, or if your child attended a PK program at any CCPS school, do not use the pre-registration tool linked above. Please email Jennifer Waugh, Registrar, at jennifer_waugh@ccpsnet.net to be added to our contact list. You will still need to sign up for an appointment to register in person.)